“15th match vs Spatsniks Bashas (Orc). Our drive started out normally, Virgil and Steffan rushed on the side of the pitch covered by Kees and Klaas. Suddenly Bart tried to dodge away from the frontline skrimsh to provide some extra cover. He tripped and fell in such a manner that he was killed. This shook the Alps. The Orcs came rushing in. Jaap had to make the pass quickly. He ran towards the side of the pitch where he could make a clean throw to Virgil, but when he tried to make a small extra effort, he tripped on his feet and KO'd himself. What was wrong with the Alps, two players were carried off just by their own efforts, or did the fans trew something at Jaap? To make matters worse the ball bounced into the Orc crowdand they threw it directly into the line of skrimish where a Black Orc miracoulously caught it. The Alps tried to make to best of it, but it was all in vain. 0-1. They had 3 turns to equalize the score before the end of the half, but Jaap was Still KO. The Catchers Virgil and Steffan had to pick up the ball themselves but some big failure on the Orcs side led to a steamed offense that was unstoppable, the Alps at their. best 1-1. 2nd half was going to be hard; stopping the Orcs advance whilst fighting for the winning TD. Good thing to Orcs were only focussed on offense so their thrower wasnt well covered. Klaas managed to break to their defensive line in the first turn. After some rumble in every direction the Orcs didnt seem to take much intrest in defending the ball. With the help of Steffan Kees downed and stripped the ball carrier numorous times. But it didnt seem to bounce in the right direction and eventually some of Alps couldnt withstand the bashes of the Orcs and were carried off. Outnumbered the Orcs were getting the upper hand. But because the orcs wanted to win some time they got overconfident. The thrower wanted to pass the ball to a Black Orcs in T6, but Virgil was in the way of the throw. Whilst surrounded by 4 orcs he managed to intercept the ball! What a catch! He quickly dodged away from the flabbergasted orcs who had never seen such a great catch in their life. But he was on his own and some Orcs were able to intercept his rush towards the TD-line. Virgil made some his great moves as dodgy, side stepping catcher and the Alps still on the pitch were already cheering before he reached the line. 2-1 final result. Great match by the Alps, very bad play by the Orcs.
Cya next time, Theofold.”