“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to what today's slaughter - I mean Bloodbowl match, sorry, slip of the tongue there. Today we'll be seeing the Backwater Banqueteers, still reeling from their 4 - 0 defeat last week and sporting only twelve players today, take on the Golden Halibut Clan, as mean and vicious a band of Chaos Dwarfs as you'll ever meet - who also appear to have lost their last match 4 - 0.
I'm looking at the team rosters here, and it looks like players Softroots Picnicshade and Fairbark leafyhead have not shown up for the kick-off. This means that the Banqueteers are down to ten players only, all of them shorter than the shortest dwarf on the opposing team. This promises to be a fine afternoon of slapping halflings around - don't you just love the sound they make?
There's the kick-off - looks like it went awry. The Banqueteers give the ball to Benny Tumbledown, and they're off. Hmmm... Looks like they're making a spring upfield, hugging the side-lines. The Golden Halibut Clan presses them in - hitting a few flings into the turf as they go. The pressure is on, but it looks like the Banqueteers are holding the defensive screen up - they might even get the ball to Ludwig Giantsbane for a quick score! That is, if they don't fall over while trying to move away and leave a wide open hole in their defence. Brave flings though, i'll give 'em that, but it looks like Benny will go crowdsurfing as the Golden Halibut Clan's Bull centaur is making a break for it through the gap. Yes, down he goes, and the audience has thrown the ball back into play <i>right to the other side of the field</i>, ladies and gentlemen! This is a most strange development, as the entire Golden Halibut Clan is out of reach.
Andy Dewid ties up the nearest Chaos Dwarf, bravely trying to tackle him, but having as much effect as a fly trying to swat an ogre, while Agnus Dei makes a break, and actually picks up the ball! And look at those halflings dodge! One moment they're surrounded in an impossible position, and suddenly they're all over the place! These halflings can run! The Clan is trying to regroup and regain the initiative, but Agnus Dei is flying downfield. The Clan takes down one fling close to the end-zone, but there's Ludwig Giantsbane again, they must have missed him, but he's too far away... No, he's in the end-zone, and there's the pass, and he catches it! This is astoudning, ladies and gentlemen! A miracle!
----- Orca Cola jingle plays -----
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. You're just in time to see the Clan fail, yet again, to pick up the ball. Ah, no, they've got it now. Bringing it slowly up-field, the way we're used to seeing it. No halfling's going to get at that. Wait. One's insane enough to try. It's Andy Dewid! And... you're not going to believe it... He just knocked that hobgoblin down... Amazing! The Clan is trying to recover, they've got the ball again, they might just... Nope, half-time whistle.
----- Advertisement for Jordell Air sportswear -----
Well I hope you all enjoyed the half-time show, though I can't say that hearing a halfling drone out his favourite recipes is my pass-time of choice - though the audience seems to be happily drooling. On a different note, I hear that the Banqueteers' two treemen have showed up for the game. Let's see how they fare. There's the kick-off. The Clan has the ball and takes it forward. They're past the Banqueteers line of defence and moving steadily. Ghol Agrat has the ball and makes a break downfield. Looks like a touch-down to me. Wait... Damn, those halflings are at it again, looks like they're catching up... Looks like they've tackled Ghol and got the ball loose! Ghol gets some dwarf back-up, and the halflings are beat aside, but he fails the pick-up! Will the Banqueteers capitalise? No, he's got it now. Touch-down for the Golden Halibut Clan by ghol Agrat!
----- Down with Jordell Air, Reeborc foreva! -----
There's the kick-off again. The Banqueteers' treemen wreak havoc on the Clan's line of scrimmage - something they've been doing mighty well since they took the field. The Banqueteers pick up the ball and move upfield. The Clan surrounds them. The pressure is on again, let's see what they do this time. Ludwig Giantsbane has the ball. The treemen knock some opponents aside. ludwig Giantsbane is out and in the clear! His team-mates are trying desperately to set up a defensive screen, but it looks like one of them falls over, having outrun himself. The Clan swarm Ludwig, a three different players tackling him - but he's clear again! He's eluded them and is making a break for them! There's Andy Dewid ahead of him! Giantsbane passes, <i>Dewid fumbles</i>, would you believe it? So close yet so far. The Clan is back now, they have the ball covered and should be certain of the draw. No! They're trying for victory! Hobgoblin Khag Magúk attempts the pass, but he drops it! And there's Giantsbane again, Ludwig Giantsbane, scooping up the ball under the very noses of two of the Clan's players, in their very end-zone, scoring the winning touch-down. This is amazing, ladies and gentlemen, look at those halflings celebrate. An unbelievable, impossible victory, but they did it!
Hmmm... I think I prefered it when they got the stuffing beat out of them.”
“The sun comes through the windows of the Golden Halibut Clan's cabin, it is silent, and little dust particles are glittering in the air. Only if one listens closely one can hear somebody bitterly sobbing and crying. The sound seems to come from inside the bathroom at the end of the room, the door being shut tight. Other than that, the cabin is empty. Time passes, and the dust particles are lost in their everlasting twirls, dancing to an unheard rhythm. The sobbing has stopped. The silence is shattered alongside the bathroom door flying out into the room in a high archway, and Yak Mathúl gallops out into the open, his eyes only slightly red, but filled with anger. Whom to direct it to, where to let it out, if not on the equipment. He could always blame that stupid troll, Magrab Rolfish later. Lost to pathetic halflings, the shame burning inside him.
Magrab Rolfish, on the other hand was starring with big eyes at the tiny shoe he held in his hand, slowly shaking his head in disbelief "Dat didn't taste like fish. Magrab Rolfish, luuhkes Fish. Mabrab Rolfish luuhkes Fish vuuhry vuuhry much. But dat didn't taste like fish." Magrab sniffs at the shoe then tries to stuff it in his nose. It vanishes, completly. Magrab didn't take long to forget about it either, as his attention was caught by the 4 Chaos Dwarves, standing around the fifth one, who was laying on the floor, bowing their heads, so their hats touched each other.
Gund Feldbar was looking at them from the floor, seeing their beards tremble with sympathy while he was trying hard not to show the pain he felt. Who would have though a hafling could kick that hard. The Dwarves mumbled among themselves, hardly intonationg the words they spoke "... we did block better, he can't blame us for that ... HE didn't catch that ball for a tie ... and after all what did he contribute to the game .... can't blame us for that .... but poor poor Gund, such a nasty nasty hafling".
Magrab Rolfish was by now towering above them, breathing with a light snorting sound. "Whut are you doing? Whut is wid dem Dwarf?" All four heads, and the hats belonging to them, bent backwards, 10 eyes looking upwards, to see a large drop of saliva speeding towards them. Too late to dodge it, or to do anything about it, it hit the Gund Felbar flat in the face. And now, that was one drop too much in the already overfilled cup, and Gund couldn't hold back the tears that had been building up all the way. Magrab Rolfish started crying as well not long after, without knowing why, just out of sheer sympathy, while the four Dwarves were calling for the Hobgoblin slaves, to wipe up the now thoroughly wet floor. There were no answers to those calls.
The Hobgoblins had snuk out of the stadium, alongside the hafling crowd and made their way to a different part of town, up, away from the gloomy, and dark stadium, north and further north, past the Muddy Waters Tavern, to a nearby grass covered hill, celebrating the victory with their hafling companions.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I'm looking at the team rosters here, and it looks like players Softroots Picnicshade and Fairbark leafyhead have not shown up for the kick-off. This means that the Banqueteers are down to ten players only, all of them shorter than the shortest dwarf on the opposing team. This promises to be a fine afternoon of slapping halflings around - don't you just love the sound they make?
There's the kick-off - looks like it went awry. The Banqueteers give the ball to Benny Tumbledown, and they're off. Hmmm... Looks like they're making a spring upfield, hugging the side-lines. The Golden Halibut Clan presses them in - hitting a few flings into the turf as they go. The pressure is on, but it looks like the Banqueteers are holding the defensive screen up - they might even get the ball to Ludwig Giantsbane for a quick score! That is, if they don't fall over while trying to move away and leave a wide open hole in their defence. Brave flings though, i'll give 'em that, but it looks like Benny will go crowdsurfing as the Golden Halibut Clan's Bull centaur is making a break for it through the gap. Yes, down he goes, and the audience has thrown the ball back into play <i>right to the other side of the field</i>, ladies and gentlemen! This is a most strange development, as the entire Golden Halibut Clan is out of reach.
Andy Dewid ties up the nearest Chaos Dwarf, bravely trying to tackle him, but having as much effect as a fly trying to swat an ogre, while Agnus Dei makes a break, and actually picks up the ball! And look at those halflings dodge! One moment they're surrounded in an impossible position, and suddenly they're all over the place! These halflings can run! The Clan is trying to regroup and regain the initiative, but Agnus Dei is flying downfield. The Clan takes down one fling close to the end-zone, but there's Ludwig Giantsbane again, they must have missed him, but he's too far away... No, he's in the end-zone, and there's the pass, and he catches it! This is astoudning, ladies and gentlemen! A miracle!
----- Orca Cola jingle plays -----
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. You're just in time to see the Clan fail, yet again, to pick up the ball. Ah, no, they've got it now. Bringing it slowly up-field, the way we're used to seeing it. No halfling's going to get at that. Wait. One's insane enough to try. It's Andy Dewid! And... you're not going to believe it... He just knocked that hobgoblin down... Amazing! The Clan is trying to recover, they've got the ball again, they might just... Nope, half-time whistle.
----- Advertisement for Jordell Air sportswear -----
Well I hope you all enjoyed the half-time show, though I can't say that hearing a halfling drone out his favourite recipes is my pass-time of choice - though the audience seems to be happily drooling. On a different note, I hear that the Banqueteers' two treemen have showed up for the game. Let's see how they fare. There's the kick-off. The Clan has the ball and takes it forward. They're past the Banqueteers line of defence and moving steadily. Ghol Agrat has the ball and makes a break downfield. Looks like a touch-down to me. Wait... Damn, those halflings are at it again, looks like they're catching up... Looks like they've tackled Ghol and got the ball loose! Ghol gets some dwarf back-up, and the halflings are beat aside, but he fails the pick-up! Will the Banqueteers capitalise? No, he's got it now. Touch-down for the Golden Halibut Clan by ghol Agrat!
----- Down with Jordell Air, Reeborc foreva! -----
There's the kick-off again. The Banqueteers' treemen wreak havoc on the Clan's line of scrimmage - something they've been doing mighty well since they took the field. The Banqueteers pick up the ball and move upfield. The Clan surrounds them. The pressure is on again, let's see what they do this time. Ludwig Giantsbane has the ball. The treemen knock some opponents aside. ludwig Giantsbane is out and in the clear! His team-mates are trying desperately to set up a defensive screen, but it looks like one of them falls over, having outrun himself. The Clan swarm Ludwig, a three different players tackling him - but he's clear again! He's eluded them and is making a break for them! There's Andy Dewid ahead of him! Giantsbane passes, <i>Dewid fumbles</i>, would you believe it? So close yet so far. The Clan is back now, they have the ball covered and should be certain of the draw. No! They're trying for victory! Hobgoblin Khag Magúk attempts the pass, but he drops it! And there's Giantsbane again, Ludwig Giantsbane, scooping up the ball under the very noses of two of the Clan's players, in their very end-zone, scoring the winning touch-down. This is amazing, ladies and gentlemen, look at those halflings celebrate. An unbelievable, impossible victory, but they did it!
Hmmm... I think I prefered it when they got the stuffing beat out of them.”