69 coaches online • Server time: 23:44
CTV 1460k Goblin Cheaters
Strigoyan CTV 1530k
#4 Jet Set Willy – Smashed Knee (NI)
#14 Wilie Biter – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#14 Wilie Biter – Smashed Knee (NI)
#4 Italian Republic II – Dead (RIP)
#10 Hellenic Republic – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Kingdom of Spain – Broken Ribs (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
It was a fitting end, with plenty of cas, plenty of funky dice for both players, and of course a Gobbo cheaters win!
Both sides came armed to the teeth, the cheaters hiring Fumlig and a wizard, and the Strigoyan horing both available star players, Igor and 'tasty tom'
The first half the cheaters received, and despite some initial cas, were soon left reeling by the brutal Strigoyan players, the key being the saw being BH and the apo failing on a niggle on the block pogo :(
The cheaters tried to move the ball down one flank but kept turning over. The strigs went after the ball and kept turning over on block dice, the cheaters turned over some more with their amazing ability to keep rolling 1's!
It all descended into a horrible mess rlly hehe
The half ended with no sided threatening to score and some moar horrific cas caused by the strigs ... evil gits!
2nd half and the cheaters were a little short of players but still had fumlig and the wiz in play.
The strigs brought the ball forward and sent igor in for another foul, BH but the ref spotted it \o/
With a few players clustered around for that foul, Gritter elected to use his wizard to try and even the odds and also foul the Strig lord.
This plan succeeded with 1 thrall sent straight off the pitch by the fireball and the then prone lord being booted off the pitch \o/
With the odds now moar even, the strigs still came forward. Some funky positioning later and the cheaters went in for a 2db against the carrier, POW!
Aafter another turne of melee, the cheaters emerged with the ball and ran for the endzone, keeping out of range of any counter blitz.
The strigs were then full of fayle for the rest of the game and the remaining cheaters kept hitting them while they were down while the lone gobbo with the ball danced on the touchline waiting for the whistle.
One vampling died trying to dodge away in t16 heh, then the gobbos scored the winning TD.
It was a fun game with Rijs, highlights being
-accurate bombs which continuely refused to knock anyone down!
My saw 2nd half being 1db POWed every single time he was blocked... but staying on the pitch!
Rijs ability to flick from causing horrendous CAS one turn to turning over the next heh
gg mate.”