“Well the first half was a total shafting... 42 vs 67 luck saw me -
Fail picking up the ball with 3+ four times, but opponent picks up the ball with 4+ no RR required.
Then I fail to knock the ball free with 6 dice. Finally the 7th and 8th block dice give a pow, but what happens? It bounces onto his Rotter who catches it on a 6.
I then roll snakes on a GFI and BH my Str4 Wight who was going to put a TZ on him to try and stop the score. Opponent makes all his 2+ Really Stupid rolls (x3) to score whilst I contine to fail dodges etc.
Second half saw more even rolls and my opponent left the ball carrier in the open to be hit with 2 dice and I knocked it free. I finally pick up the ball with Sure Hands (amazing) and manage to heard the ball to a TD after my opponent did a 1 dice block and got Skull/Pow and rerolled it to another Skull/Pow to give me a little breathing room.
First half was just total crap, but my opponent had a blast. However, he is a great sport as he took on the game as soon as I offered it. Just the damn dice were cruel with me taking 4 cas and inflicting just 1.”
Fail picking up the ball with 3+ four times, but opponent picks up the ball with 4+ no RR required.
Then I fail to knock the ball free with 6 dice. Finally the 7th and 8th block dice give a pow, but what happens? It bounces onto his Rotter who catches it on a 6.
I then roll snakes on a GFI and BH my Str4 Wight who was going to put a TZ on him to try and stop the score. Opponent makes all his 2+ Really Stupid rolls (x3) to score whilst I contine to fail dodges etc.
Second half saw more even rolls and my opponent left the ball carrier in the open to be hit with 2 dice and I knocked it free. I finally pick up the ball with Sure Hands (amazing) and manage to heard the ball to a TD after my opponent did a 1 dice block and got Skull/Pow and rerolled it to another Skull/Pow to give me a little breathing room.
First half was just total crap, but my opponent had a blast. However, he is a great sport as he took on the game as soon as I offered it. Just the damn dice were cruel with me taking 4 cas and inflicting just 1.”