“Ice Nine looked back over their old match-ups and saw that Snake.Eyes had beaten them long ago... it was time for revenge!
Time had not been kind to the Dark Elves, with many players injured from the last match. With calm precision, the dwarves managed to control the field, aided by a spell that gave the dark elves the dodging ability of a zombie. Seriously, they missed a lot of them and burned up some critical rerolls just trying to stand up.
Still, watch the replay, they came a lot closer than it looks to making a dent on the scoreboard. good luck with the rest of the season, Sami G!”
Time had not been kind to the Dark Elves, with many players injured from the last match. With calm precision, the dwarves managed to control the field, aided by a spell that gave the dark elves the dodging ability of a zombie. Seriously, they missed a lot of them and burned up some critical rerolls just trying to stand up.
Still, watch the replay, they came a lot closer than it looks to making a dent on the scoreboard. good luck with the rest of the season, Sami G!”