“A STRANGE GAME...but nobody cares...I played vs a good (not so good as he thinks) coach, who shew good game, stained just by a too much complaining. The match was a blocking contest in which the AV 7 stood their ground. My opponent beneficed of a 2 men superiority (WAS NOT ME) nearly unaltered in the course of the game and both teams registered a long series of KOs (I counted 10). Luck was quite balanced...he had some trouble with double rolls, me failed nearly alwayes on single rolls. Opponent scored on his final turns in both halves and had some better luck in key moments. The final result is overpunitive for my dwarves, but the only regret is having made just 2 SPP on the field...a loss is quite right and a draw would have been lucky by my side. It happens and this is bloodbowl. Nice to have honoured the field, and at the end (apart my oppo excessive wailing) was fun. Hope one day in a rematch...may be the result would be different ”
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