“Tough, evenly played match throughout both halves, until a 3+ dodge, 2-GFI, 1D blitz with no rerolls on turn 14 allowed A-op Igi to scoop up the ball & scamper in for the game's only score. Gorse Bendak's -st SI after the VERY risky use of the team's apothicary on a crucialy positioned BH Baryn Apma only slightly dampened the team's spirits in the locker room afterwards. When word came down that he would retire to an assistant coaching position the team perked up, looking forward to his continueing contributions to the clan.
Great match & Jarvis's commentary made this one of the more entertaining matches I've played in a while. Can't wait for the rematch. :)”
Great match & Jarvis's commentary made this one of the more entertaining matches I've played in a while. Can't wait for the rematch. :)”