“Well, the undermaned Techies could not mount an effective defense, and no offence, against the Orcs of Isengard. We only had 8 players for the match, and that is just not enough.
The orcs were most interested in scoring, and did not cause much damage to the Dwarves. The dwarves did a little bit of damage, mostly from their lone surviving slayer, BAM BAM, but nothing permanent.
I was able to buy a new blitzer after the game, so at least we'll have 4 agil 3+ players again.”
The orcs were most interested in scoring, and did not cause much damage to the Dwarves. The dwarves did a little bit of damage, mostly from their lone surviving slayer, BAM BAM, but nothing permanent.
I was able to buy a new blitzer after the game, so at least we'll have 4 agil 3+ players again.”