“Rough first half for the Legion. It started off with GTR, and I was at about 39% luck through the first 6 turns or so. The Horrors' first score was a matter of how long they could hold a stall (answer: until turn 5) rather than if they'd get in. My own drive bogged down and a last turn tricky play didn't get very far.
Second half turned out a bit better. The Horrors' case of fouling fever cleared up some, and my injury dice were warmed up and functioning properly. I scored in 3 turns, hoping to press my numbers advantage for the win. A well executed feint drew too much of my defense to one side though, and ghouls are a little faster than I remembered (especially that +MA+MA one), so I found myself down 2-1.
The next drive I set up looking for a 2-turn score, but here comes the Blitz! A mummy gets mashed up in the faces of my wide-zone players and one of them is blitzed down by a ghoul. Another ghoul sent in to get to the kick tripped over a Tackler though, so I got to start my turn. Some LOS shenanigans freed up a BoB to come over and blitz the mummy off my potential TD scorers, and off they went (1 fewer than I'd hoped though). A brief bout of elf disease left the ball on the ground, however. A ghoul then came in and downed my would-be thrower, then marked the ball. A mummy marked a potential middle-man for a long pass/handoff play, and then it was up to me. I brought an assist over and blitzed the ghoul off the ball with a Tackle blitzer, then it was elf time.
Let me just stop to say that it has been an honor and a privilege to work with Grom and Samuro, my 2 AG5 blitzers.
Samuro stood up and grabbed the ball. He heaved a Long Pass to Grom, who was in a mummy's TZ, but that doesn't matter when you have AG5, it's still just 2+. Grom casually stepped away from the mummy and handed off to Saurfang, who not being gifted with wardancer blood, needed a reroll. Fortunately I was within don't-need-GFI range, and I tied it 2-2.
The final turn saw the Horrors set up for a chain push TD with their MA9 ghoul. My countermeasure was simple though, just fall down when he blitzed :)
GG and well fought match from Mr.Prezident. We were awarded a paltry sum for our efforts on the field, but the training was invaluable. After the game, Samuro gained +ST, and no aging! Fear the 6 4 5 9!!!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Second half turned out a bit better. The Horrors' case of fouling fever cleared up some, and my injury dice were warmed up and functioning properly. I scored in 3 turns, hoping to press my numbers advantage for the win. A well executed feint drew too much of my defense to one side though, and ghouls are a little faster than I remembered (especially that +MA+MA one), so I found myself down 2-1.
The next drive I set up looking for a 2-turn score, but here comes the Blitz! A mummy gets mashed up in the faces of my wide-zone players and one of them is blitzed down by a ghoul. Another ghoul sent in to get to the kick tripped over a Tackler though, so I got to start my turn. Some LOS shenanigans freed up a BoB to come over and blitz the mummy off my potential TD scorers, and off they went (1 fewer than I'd hoped though). A brief bout of elf disease left the ball on the ground, however. A ghoul then came in and downed my would-be thrower, then marked the ball. A mummy marked a potential middle-man for a long pass/handoff play, and then it was up to me. I brought an assist over and blitzed the ghoul off the ball with a Tackle blitzer, then it was elf time.
Let me just stop to say that it has been an honor and a privilege to work with Grom and Samuro, my 2 AG5 blitzers.
Samuro stood up and grabbed the ball. He heaved a Long Pass to Grom, who was in a mummy's TZ, but that doesn't matter when you have AG5, it's still just 2+. Grom casually stepped away from the mummy and handed off to Saurfang, who not being gifted with wardancer blood, needed a reroll. Fortunately I was within don't-need-GFI range, and I tied it 2-2.
The final turn saw the Horrors set up for a chain push TD with their MA9 ghoul. My countermeasure was simple though, just fall down when he blitzed :)
GG and well fought match from Mr.Prezident. We were awarded a paltry sum for our efforts on the field, but the training was invaluable. After the game, Samuro gained +ST, and no aging! Fear the 6 4 5 9!!!”