#11 Discord – Dead (RIP) #14 Fourteenth Horseman – Dead (RIP)
“3 deaths in a game again? 4 deaths last game. 2 the game before. 3 absolutely insane dice rapes as well as the damage, one sided sick dice.
The final straw was the death of a good player; not because he's a good player - they all have a lifespan - but because of 1/ disproportionate amounts of damage (7 deaths in the last 10 injuries inflicted on my team) in 2/ 70+ to 50+ dice rapes.
I had 3 chances to hit the ball carrier. First chance, 3+ dodge required, reroll consumed, gfi failed. Second chance, gfi failed, pushes. 3rd chance, gfi failed, reroll consumed, 2nd gfi failed. 3 clean easy hits, all failed, and each turn 1+ players knocked out, so I was down to just 6. Easy target (ma7 st4 beastman) gets fouled, killed. 1/0/3 in this game. 2/0/4 two games before that. Team and GLT chances destroyed. Not fun, opposite of fun, in fact it was like being in a casino and putting down a full house to see a straight flush wreck it... multiple times.
“Well.I feel almost sorry for chainsaw,3 rips in a game ,that's right it looked like a rape dice.I just hope you won't stop BB for that game,it would be quite Sad.
I hope i'll see you around mate”
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The final straw was the death of a good player; not because he's a good player - they all have a lifespan - but because of 1/ disproportionate amounts of damage (7 deaths in the last 10 injuries inflicted on my team) in 2/ 70+ to 50+ dice rapes.
I had 3 chances to hit the ball carrier. First chance, 3+ dodge required, reroll consumed, gfi failed. Second chance, gfi failed, pushes. 3rd chance, gfi failed, reroll consumed, 2nd gfi failed. 3 clean easy hits, all failed, and each turn 1+ players knocked out, so I was down to just 6. Easy target (ma7 st4 beastman) gets fouled, killed. 1/0/3 in this game. 2/0/4 two games before that. Team and GLT chances destroyed. Not fun, opposite of fun, in fact it was like being in a casino and putting down a full house to see a straight flush wreck it... multiple times.
I've had enough Nuffle!
/quit Blood Bowl”