“Coach reroller seemed to have all the luck, getting the ref early in the first half and methodically eliminating the Cards from the pitch. However, when it really counted he came up skulls, allowing the Cards to keep the 1-0 first half lead.
The dark elves had very little resistance on their second half score and got a blitz on the ensuing kickoff. The wood elves, surrounded, looked like a bunch of clumsy dwarves until the dark elves failed on their second pickup try, forcing the ball out of bounds and bringing it within striking range of a standing wardancer. Bendybranch leaped over his opponent, grabbed the ball and taunted the blitzer that went down on a failed GFI. He walked it in on turn 8, amazed that even with the carnage his team had experienced, they managed to pull out the win. Well deserved MVP and a fluke of a win!
The dark elves had very little resistance on their second half score and got a blitz on the ensuing kickoff. The wood elves, surrounded, looked like a bunch of clumsy dwarves until the dark elves failed on their second pickup try, forcing the ball out of bounds and bringing it within striking range of a standing wardancer. Bendybranch leaped over his opponent, grabbed the ball and taunted the blitzer that went down on a failed GFI. He walked it in on turn 8, amazed that even with the carnage his team had experienced, they managed to pull out the win. Well deserved MVP and a fluke of a win!
Thanks for the match reroller!”