“A spectacular game where the Farnsboro orcs failed to break the moral(read 'armor') of the Beasts. The first drive was a stunning display of treeman power thanks to the special guest appearence of Deeproot Strongbranch. The rumors say that Beasts youngest tree, Rufus Oak, was so nervous the night before the game(he was going to meet his all time idol Mr Strongbranch) that he single handlely emptied all the flings coffe supply. The result we saw today was a buzzing Young tree that went out of his way to impress Deeproot.
Another highlight worthy of mention is the spectacular performance of Remi AppleHouse who, even thou a BOB was on his tail at the moment, managed snatch what turns out to be the teams first Inteception EVER. That flashy move led to the second and desisive TD of the Beast.
The rumors say Applenose has been training on a new agile move the last couples of months and that this last game has finally put the last piece in place. I think it is safe to say that we will see more of him in the future.....and in the skies if you know what I mean .....”
Another highlight worthy of mention is the spectacular performance of Remi AppleHouse who, even thou a BOB was on his tail at the moment, managed snatch what turns out to be the teams first Inteception EVER. That flashy move led to the second and desisive TD of the Beast.
The rumors say Applenose has been training on a new agile move the last couples of months and that this last game has finally put the last piece in place. I think it is safe to say that we will see more of him in the future.....and in the skies if you know what I mean .....”