Both teams had hired Nobla, so the little fat git ran of with the gold. Rumor has it that he is being blackmailed by a Paparazzi photographer, who threatens to publish pictures of him wielding a regular saw. So i guess he needed the money, more than either team needed him.
A good turn 1 and a good turn 16 for the gobbos... The rest had Gartag's Legion written all over it.
Someone had forgot to feed the trolls, so not only did they try and eat the gobs they should be throwing (on 5 out of 6 TTM attempts), but they hadn't gotten their metabolism going and were failing their regens too. The Apo was working overtime on the trolls.
Only gobbo to get eaten was #4 Zoltan "Destroyer of Worlds" who had received Ironman. So he survived to tell the tale. But looking at his expression... I wonder which is worse. To be eaten by a troll and die, or to be eaten by a troll and live to tell the tale of what happened... I bet he will never be the same again. But on the other hand, he now is a truly DIRTY player. :D And the troll didn't get more fats as Ironman Goblins are a nearly carb free diet.
Kudos to #11 Jizza "Bendy Neck" for not being eaten and for not breaking his body, and of course scoring the last turn TTM TD!
Lastly to end this ranting, GZ on the win McCloud and good luck in the next round. ”
Handis: Virus, Ironman and Illegal Drugs.
Both teams had hired Nobla, so the little fat git ran of with the gold. Rumor has it that he is being blackmailed by a Paparazzi photographer, who threatens to publish pictures of him wielding a regular saw. So i guess he needed the money, more than either team needed him.
A good turn 1 and a good turn 16 for the gobbos... The rest had Gartag's Legion written all over it.
Someone had forgot to feed the trolls, so not only did they try and eat the gobs they should be throwing (on 5 out of 6 TTM attempts), but they hadn't gotten their metabolism going and were failing their regens too. The Apo was working overtime on the trolls.
Only gobbo to get eaten was #4 Zoltan "Destroyer of Worlds" who had received Ironman. So he survived to tell the tale. But looking at his expression... I wonder which is worse. To be eaten by a troll and die, or to be eaten by a troll and live to tell the tale of what happened... I bet he will never be the same again. But on the other hand, he now is a truly DIRTY player. :D And the troll didn't get more fats as Ironman Goblins are a nearly carb free diet.
Kudos to #11 Jizza "Bendy Neck" for not being eaten and for not breaking his body, and of course scoring the last turn TTM TD!
Lastly to end this ranting, GZ on the win McCloud and good luck in the next round. ”