“It was a rematch between the Knights of Dread and the Luckville Dodgers and it did not dissappoint. Since the last time these two teams met, the Wishmaster had been training his own secret weapon after the Wood Elf Star Wardancer, Kermit Whine, humiliated his team. The Dark Elf Blitzer, Draeke Maelgrim, also known as the Black Dragon, has come to answer the challenge that the famous Wardancer has put forth.
KoD received and they dropped Dante back to pass. Several Wood Elves rushed into the backfield to chase him down. Dante swerved to the right and found Malikith open for a reception. The Witch Lord caught the pass and strode into the end zone in only two turns. Before this happened, the Referee had made it clear that this would be a clean game. D'Angelo did not get the message and began choking the Wood Elf Catcher, Benn O'Gream. As promised, the Ref threw the Dark Elf out of the game before he could apply much pressure to the prone Elf. Kicking Jackson of the Dodgers retaliated by trying to foul Draeke, but the Ref was quickly on his heels and he also was tossed from the game. With the message crystal clear, no more fouls were attempted for the rest of the match.
Dodgers received and Kermit caught the ball. He ran up the field and his team quickly caged around him. The Dark Elves tried to break the cage but it was useless. There was too many receivers open and Kermit handed the ball off to one of his teammates for a touchdown.
KoD received and it was still the first half with roughly three turns left. Abaddon caught the pass from Dante and he ran up the right side of the field. The Wardancer, Jackpot Saunders, tried to strip the ball from him but he was able to hold on. Abaddon handed the ball off to Darkstorn and the Lineman threw a touchdown pass to Draeke who was sitting in the end zone.
The second half started with the Dodgers receiving. They caged up at midfield with Kermit once again carrying the ball. He tried to hand it off but the ball slipped and fell. KoD tried to take advantage but Dante could not pick up the ball in a couple tackle zones. That was all the Dodgers needed and Kermit picked the ball up easily in two tackle zones. He leapt away and was off. Draeke reached him but only managed to push. Kermit handed the ball off to a Lineman teammate for the touchdown.
KoD received and Draeke got the call to pick up the ball. He ran up the field daring any Wood Elf player to stop him. None could take the powerful Blitzer on and even Kermit himself was denied. The Dark Elves bashed through the Wood Elf defenses and Draeke was pushed towards the end zone by his team. He dodged away from the last opponent and he was in the end zone for the win.
Good game, Rawlf!! Thanks for the match, mate! It was fun! Cya in the BBox!
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KoD received and they dropped Dante back to pass. Several Wood Elves rushed into the backfield to chase him down. Dante swerved to the right and found Malikith open for a reception. The Witch Lord caught the pass and strode into the end zone in only two turns. Before this happened, the Referee had made it clear that this would be a clean game. D'Angelo did not get the message and began choking the Wood Elf Catcher, Benn O'Gream. As promised, the Ref threw the Dark Elf out of the game before he could apply much pressure to the prone Elf. Kicking Jackson of the Dodgers retaliated by trying to foul Draeke, but the Ref was quickly on his heels and he also was tossed from the game. With the message crystal clear, no more fouls were attempted for the rest of the match.
Dodgers received and Kermit caught the ball. He ran up the field and his team quickly caged around him. The Dark Elves tried to break the cage but it was useless. There was too many receivers open and Kermit handed the ball off to one of his teammates for a touchdown.
KoD received and it was still the first half with roughly three turns left. Abaddon caught the pass from Dante and he ran up the right side of the field. The Wardancer, Jackpot Saunders, tried to strip the ball from him but he was able to hold on. Abaddon handed the ball off to Darkstorn and the Lineman threw a touchdown pass to Draeke who was sitting in the end zone.
The second half started with the Dodgers receiving. They caged up at midfield with Kermit once again carrying the ball. He tried to hand it off but the ball slipped and fell. KoD tried to take advantage but Dante could not pick up the ball in a couple tackle zones. That was all the Dodgers needed and Kermit picked the ball up easily in two tackle zones. He leapt away and was off. Draeke reached him but only managed to push. Kermit handed the ball off to a Lineman teammate for the touchdown.
KoD received and Draeke got the call to pick up the ball. He ran up the field daring any Wood Elf player to stop him. None could take the powerful Blitzer on and even Kermit himself was denied. The Dark Elves bashed through the Wood Elf defenses and Draeke was pushed towards the end zone by his team. He dodged away from the last opponent and he was in the end zone for the win.
Good game, Rawlf!! Thanks for the match, mate! It was fun! Cya in the BBox!