“Challenge from: Me (Woodies missing 1 player, me no apo - still :( )
This good natured game can be described in one word.
The scoreline flatters me - a lot. The wood elves failed and ended turn on a lot of their blocks with block/pow the main culprit, even 2 dice, block/pow both and reroll... block/pow both meaning it sort of made up for my teams crapness at anything to do with ag4. My dice were slightly better in the blocking department but whilst the Wood Elves could dance through tackle zones and the Wardancer leap about for kicks, my guys burnt through rerolls like crazy with simple 2+ stuff, dodging, gfi, catch... Basically they sucked at all the stuff elves are supposed to be good at, and by mid way through the 2nd half, they sucked at blocking too with a skull collection to make a tribe of cannibals envious.
As usual, whenever I got the ball I ran it home without too much messing about. I've had to learn the hard way about going for an extra block, failing, and being caught with the ball and blitzed, so I tend to score when I can, dice permitting :-S
The last td was ... a gift from the Woodies - I might, or might not have caught them with the ball but would have been unlikely to score. Instead they threw it at me and whilst my catch/interception failed (naturally) a quick 2db (both pushbacks) freed up the ball and I had the option of more blocks on the woodies or just get the ball and run it home. I've never any desire to hurt another team unnecessarily so just went for the td.
So, to buy another player to make 11 next game or get an apo and 10 men? Not sure, seems like a posioned chalice - weaker but possible save of player or stronger and more death or injury ?
Playing vs Elves is no guarantee of not getting your teeth smashed in so I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sort of getting the hang of fast moving elves now - with full field touchdowns being, seemingly, easy when a quick pass actually comes off. Most of the time I didn't want to risk ag4 and pass skill, so waited till I could hand off... Not exactly an elven method of play but I'd lost all confidence in doing anything elvish.
Hope you get Block for your woodies, and more luck with the dice soon Firestorm, you're a pleasure to play against (chatty, no stalling, no needless fouling) and I wish you all the best with the team :D
Cheers, Meety
With first skill, ageing niggle for Thrower. Next game is looking more like a final hurrah before retirement and starting a fresh team! Hope you have better look with your Elves!”
This good natured game can be described in one word.
The scoreline flatters me - a lot. The wood elves failed and ended turn on a lot of their blocks with block/pow the main culprit, even 2 dice, block/pow both and reroll... block/pow both meaning it sort of made up for my teams crapness at anything to do with ag4. My dice were slightly better in the blocking department but whilst the Wood Elves could dance through tackle zones and the Wardancer leap about for kicks, my guys burnt through rerolls like crazy with simple 2+ stuff, dodging, gfi, catch... Basically they sucked at all the stuff elves are supposed to be good at, and by mid way through the 2nd half, they sucked at blocking too with a skull collection to make a tribe of cannibals envious.
As usual, whenever I got the ball I ran it home without too much messing about. I've had to learn the hard way about going for an extra block, failing, and being caught with the ball and blitzed, so I tend to score when I can, dice permitting :-S
The last td was ... a gift from the Woodies - I might, or might not have caught them with the ball but would have been unlikely to score. Instead they threw it at me and whilst my catch/interception failed (naturally) a quick 2db (both pushbacks) freed up the ball and I had the option of more blocks on the woodies or just get the ball and run it home. I've never any desire to hurt another team unnecessarily so just went for the td.
So, to buy another player to make 11 next game or get an apo and 10 men? Not sure, seems like a posioned chalice - weaker but possible save of player or stronger and more death or injury ?
Playing vs Elves is no guarantee of not getting your teeth smashed in so I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sort of getting the hang of fast moving elves now - with full field touchdowns being, seemingly, easy when a quick pass actually comes off. Most of the time I didn't want to risk ag4 and pass skill, so waited till I could hand off... Not exactly an elven method of play but I'd lost all confidence in doing anything elvish.
Hope you get Block for your woodies, and more luck with the dice soon Firestorm, you're a pleasure to play against (chatty, no stalling, no needless fouling) and I wish you all the best with the team :D
Cheers, Meety
With first skill, ageing niggle for Thrower. Next game is looking more like a final hurrah before retirement and starting a fresh team! Hope you have better look with your Elves!”