“A tough game with both teams reduced to 9 players quickly.
The Boyz should have won this game after knocking the ball free and surrounding it late in the second half when they had a 1-0 lead.
However, they got greedy and used up a RR on a Block (should have taken the Skull/Pow and knocked down his BC and that would have been game over too), and the players got all out of position when we failed our Sure Hands pick up on the ball (if we picked it up, he was in big trouble as I had it on a Thrower who could throw the ball out of range etc).
We failed the pick up and my opponent made a 4+ Dodge (with Dodge reroll) and 4+ pick up and a pair of 3+ dodges to put the ball deep into my side of the pitch.
We could get a 1 dice blitz and get a knockdown with 4 GFI , a 3+ dodge and a 50% block (I had Tackle and Block, he just had Dodge) but we snaked our first move of the turn and it was game over.
When will we learn to not be greedy :)
Anyway, was a good game though a pain to lose FF.”
The Boyz should have won this game after knocking the ball free and surrounding it late in the second half when they had a 1-0 lead.
However, they got greedy and used up a RR on a Block (should have taken the Skull/Pow and knocked down his BC and that would have been game over too), and the players got all out of position when we failed our Sure Hands pick up on the ball (if we picked it up, he was in big trouble as I had it on a Thrower who could throw the ball out of range etc).
We failed the pick up and my opponent made a 4+ Dodge (with Dodge reroll) and 4+ pick up and a pair of 3+ dodges to put the ball deep into my side of the pitch.
We could get a 1 dice blitz and get a knockdown with 4 GFI , a 3+ dodge and a 50% block (I had Tackle and Block, he just had Dodge) but we snaked our first move of the turn and it was game over.
When will we learn to not be greedy :)
Anyway, was a good game though a pain to lose FF.”