“<Haunted> hey mate
<Haunted> good luck and have fun
<Gramnor> gl hf too
<Haunted> hopefully it'll be a bloody match
<Haunted> hey, not trying to be rude, but do you think we go try to play a little faster? it's really late where i am
<Gramnor> try my best
<Haunted> damnit nuffle
<Haunted> i think we may just have a lot of lag for some reason
<Gramnor> not bad
<Gramnor> an a lot of luck^^
<Haunted> it was bound to happen eventually
<Haunted> this has been a fun game so far
<Haunted> i like when crazy stuff happens
<Haunted> lots of casualties too :)
<Haunted> i foresee lots of blood this half
<Haunted> ><
<Gramnor> can you explayn hypnotize?
<Haunted> at the end of a move action
<Haunted> you use it
<Haunted> one adjacent target
<Haunted> make an agility roll
<Haunted> if you succeed
<Haunted> the target loses all tackle zones
<Gramnor> thx
<Haunted> no problem
<Haunted> jeeeez
<Gramnor> hmpf
<Haunted> well
<Haunted> here goes nothing
<Haunted> sigh
<Gramnor> no way
<Haunted> 5 agi
<Haunted> 3 or better
<Haunted> with the reroll
<Haunted> only 1 in 9 chance of failing
<Gramnor> narf
<Gramnor> hehe - gz
<Haunted> good game sir
<Haunted> well played
<Haunted> thanks for the match
<Gramnor> cu”
<Haunted> good luck and have fun
<Gramnor> gl hf too
<Haunted> hopefully it'll be a bloody match
<Haunted> hey, not trying to be rude, but do you think we go try to play a little faster? it's really late where i am
<Gramnor> try my best
<Haunted> damnit nuffle
<Haunted> i think we may just have a lot of lag for some reason
<Gramnor> not bad
<Gramnor> an a lot of luck^^
<Haunted> it was bound to happen eventually
<Haunted> this has been a fun game so far
<Haunted> i like when crazy stuff happens
<Haunted> lots of casualties too :)
<Haunted> i foresee lots of blood this half
<Haunted> ><
<Gramnor> can you explayn hypnotize?
<Haunted> at the end of a move action
<Haunted> you use it
<Haunted> one adjacent target
<Haunted> make an agility roll
<Haunted> if you succeed
<Haunted> the target loses all tackle zones
<Gramnor> thx
<Haunted> no problem
<Haunted> jeeeez
<Gramnor> hmpf
<Haunted> well
<Haunted> here goes nothing
<Haunted> sigh
<Gramnor> no way
<Haunted> 5 agi
<Haunted> 3 or better
<Haunted> with the reroll
<Haunted> only 1 in 9 chance of failing
<Gramnor> narf
<Gramnor> hehe - gz
<Haunted> good game sir
<Haunted> well played
<Haunted> thanks for the match
<Gramnor> cu”