He runs players deep but leaves his Thrower with the Ball deep all Alone, I Blitz him and get the Ball, scoring in my T2.
He basically does the same thing, but brings a Guard back to cover his Thrower, I get some TZ's arround, but can't really stop his passing game with a NOS Thrower and NOS Catchers.
I recieve, he gets a Blitz... the Ball scatters perfectly to the centreline without kick skill when he places it centre field.
Funnily enough, he scores.
AGAIN, a Blitz, same thing with the scatter too. He stuffs up Blitzing me onto the ball so it scatters to the crowd, then deep to my half.
Matters not tho, cos after I collect it and cover it, he managed the 2db against anyway and scores.
My FIRST turn of actual offense.
I get players deep and secure the ball. He BH's one of my Catchers, but I have an easy TD play that just requires some 2+ rolls... I manage to Dodge --- 1, RR to succeed... the Pass ---1, Pass Skill RR to succeed... then Catch --- 1 Fail the catch.
Yet another shit hot turn for me. He scores after first beating my player into the crowd just for good measure.
I cant do anything before the end of the half
It starts Raining...
Me Recieving. Players deep, Ball safe... T2 go for the TD. 2+ Dodge, works... then 2+ GFI, works... 2+ pass --- 1, Pass Skill --- 1, FUMBLE... great.
He manages a 2db against once again, but doesnt score cos he did it wrong and pick up with the player that Blitzed.
I Blitz his ball carrier, get the ball, Pass, Catch, Hand off, Dodge, GFI, score. All very Elven.
Him Recieving... I didnt watch his turn, but by the end his setup is weird, some players deep, and a pocket of players, but he fails a pick up (the first thing hes failed of any note) and the ball comes loose. I blitz the TZ off it and pass accross field with the good Thrower to the ST4 Line Elf. His 1db fails and I Dodge the GFI, GFI to score.
He gets deep n stuff, I get a TZ on his thrower, but he has a Guard there as well. He tries a Dodge away from my Diving Tackler first up, needing a 5+, he fails that.
I Blitz his ball carrier, the scatter goes PERFECTLY into the 2 TZ's and I fail the dodge with dodge skill in to it, ball scatters to a player, who catches it, also quite convient.
He makes no attempt to score, just get Guards arround the ball carrier. I Blitz with StripBall since he has no skills on the player... roll dice that arent skulls, he takes the PUSH, ball scatters on the 1/8 to a player of his standing, who catches in the Rain and a TZ... WOW, what a supprise that was.
If in T7 or T8 the scatters has gone pretty much anywhere else, I scored.
His T8... he does a 1die Blitz to get his Dancer free and runs to the end Zone... then manages some GFI's and a Long Bomb to score in T8... thats basically the kinda shit that he was capable of doing all game tho.
Ah well, came pretty close to drawing through all that BS.
As Wuhan always says "Better Luck that Good"...”
He wins the flip and Recieves.
He runs players deep but leaves his Thrower with the Ball deep all Alone, I Blitz him and get the Ball, scoring in my T2.
He basically does the same thing, but brings a Guard back to cover his Thrower, I get some TZ's arround, but can't really stop his passing game with a NOS Thrower and NOS Catchers.
I recieve, he gets a Blitz... the Ball scatters perfectly to the centreline without kick skill when he places it centre field.
Funnily enough, he scores.
AGAIN, a Blitz, same thing with the scatter too. He stuffs up Blitzing me onto the ball so it scatters to the crowd, then deep to my half.
Matters not tho, cos after I collect it and cover it, he managed the 2db against anyway and scores.
My FIRST turn of actual offense.
I get players deep and secure the ball. He BH's one of my Catchers, but I have an easy TD play that just requires some 2+ rolls... I manage to Dodge --- 1, RR to succeed... the Pass ---1, Pass Skill RR to succeed... then Catch --- 1 Fail the catch.
Yet another shit hot turn for me. He scores after first beating my player into the crowd just for good measure.
I cant do anything before the end of the half
It starts Raining...
Me Recieving. Players deep, Ball safe... T2 go for the TD. 2+ Dodge, works... then 2+ GFI, works... 2+ pass --- 1, Pass Skill --- 1, FUMBLE... great.
He manages a 2db against once again, but doesnt score cos he did it wrong and pick up with the player that Blitzed.
I Blitz his ball carrier, get the ball, Pass, Catch, Hand off, Dodge, GFI, score. All very Elven.
Him Recieving... I didnt watch his turn, but by the end his setup is weird, some players deep, and a pocket of players, but he fails a pick up (the first thing hes failed of any note) and the ball comes loose. I blitz the TZ off it and pass accross field with the good Thrower to the ST4 Line Elf. His 1db fails and I Dodge the GFI, GFI to score.
He gets deep n stuff, I get a TZ on his thrower, but he has a Guard there as well. He tries a Dodge away from my Diving Tackler first up, needing a 5+, he fails that.
I Blitz his ball carrier, the scatter goes PERFECTLY into the 2 TZ's and I fail the dodge with dodge skill in to it, ball scatters to a player, who catches it, also quite convient.
He makes no attempt to score, just get Guards arround the ball carrier. I Blitz with StripBall since he has no skills on the player... roll dice that arent skulls, he takes the PUSH, ball scatters on the 1/8 to a player of his standing, who catches in the Rain and a TZ... WOW, what a supprise that was.
If in T7 or T8 the scatters has gone pretty much anywhere else, I scored.
His T8... he does a 1die Blitz to get his Dancer free and runs to the end Zone... then manages some GFI's and a Long Bomb to score in T8... thats basically the kinda shit that he was capable of doing all game tho.
Ah well, came pretty close to drawing through all that BS.
As Wuhan always says "Better Luck that Good"...”