#14 Tony Shafflermice – Broken Ribs (MNG) #14 Tony Shafflermice – Smashed Hip (-MA) #11 Braylon Micewards – Dead (RIP) #15 Randy Dancingmice Moss – Dead (RIP)
“It has been a great game today...A loss, ok. But I was playng vs one of the best coaches in the rank, and he shew that was well deserved. He had a good team, and played probably the most funny bbowl match since I have joined the fumbbl community. Few things to complain. When in a game you face 3 deaths of Grunner and have just one apo, the 18TR points lost and the consequent loss of some of the franchise best talents are a good reason to retire the team. Tackles and lack of luck have done the rest. Dunno how my luck stands at 57%, but today winning was beyond my means. I could have drawn the game at least in 2 occasion, but the oneturner failed his gfit and when my team was close to recover the ball and go for the 3-3 the blind dame kissed my opponent and turned her back to my Grunner, that went killed. My best congrats to Emphasy, for sure he's a great player, well beyond my standard. My last whine is just with luck, that seems to have completely forgotten about me. My losing streak continues, and there is a little hope to reverse the trend. I go ahead punished every game even more and with no hope to rise my head again. A loss of two TD difference could have been probable, but I would have accepted it better with 2 skilled grunner more in my roster. But until there is fumbbl (and bloodbowl) there is hope...let's hope it in better times. ”
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