“I challenged ibabme with my TS 192 Pro Elves, but he said he wanted to play my Woodies instead and since we were missing our Treeman and needing a recovery, it was too good an offer to pass up.
The Company started in offence, and had a horrid drive initially, fumbling (snakes) a pass for a score. Justica swarmed in, but the Company had a great turn, BH the Justica's star Thrower (AG5 Accurate Safe Throw) and KOing another player before getting a perfect scatter.
We made numerous 2+ and 3+ dodges and GFI to get a quick score on the board.
Justica's next drive was horrendous, as their rookie Catcher BH himself on a failed 3+ dodge leaving them with just 8 player on the pitch!
The Company stole the ball and scored easily.
With so few players, the Justica were under immence pressure whenever they had the ball, but played well in the end to score twice by the end of the match.
The Company looked like it might get a 5th TD but they double Skulled early on T15, and then made a mistake by using their Lino to Throw instead of their Passer for SPP (rolled a 1) and not only that, he had run FORWARDS first so that when he fumbled the pass, it was in range of the Justica who picked it up and we failed in our 1 dice Blitz to steal it back.
A fun game against a fun coach. I made a meal of that last play, should have passed from further back and we would have had another turn to try and pass as it would have been much harder for him to get to the ball, if at all.
Robbed myself of two players on 15 spp each getting a pass (if Thrower had passed on T15, we might have made it), and one on 13 SPP possibly getting the TD! Still our 15 SPP Thrower got the MVP and he along with another player to reach 16 SPP each rolled + STR :)”
The Company started in offence, and had a horrid drive initially, fumbling (snakes) a pass for a score. Justica swarmed in, but the Company had a great turn, BH the Justica's star Thrower (AG5 Accurate Safe Throw) and KOing another player before getting a perfect scatter.
We made numerous 2+ and 3+ dodges and GFI to get a quick score on the board.
Justica's next drive was horrendous, as their rookie Catcher BH himself on a failed 3+ dodge leaving them with just 8 player on the pitch!
The Company stole the ball and scored easily.
With so few players, the Justica were under immence pressure whenever they had the ball, but played well in the end to score twice by the end of the match.
The Company looked like it might get a 5th TD but they double Skulled early on T15, and then made a mistake by using their Lino to Throw instead of their Passer for SPP (rolled a 1) and not only that, he had run FORWARDS first so that when he fumbled the pass, it was in range of the Justica who picked it up and we failed in our 1 dice Blitz to steal it back.
A fun game against a fun coach. I made a meal of that last play, should have passed from further back and we would have had another turn to try and pass as it would have been much harder for him to get to the ball, if at all.
Robbed myself of two players on 15 spp each getting a pass (if Thrower had passed on T15, we might have made it), and one on 13 SPP possibly getting the TD! Still our 15 SPP Thrower got the MVP and he along with another player to reach 16 SPP each rolled + STR :)”