“Fuck-a-doodle-do. Didn't need to concede a touchdown when I did (too wrapped up with hitting people), and sure as hell didn't need to lose Sidewinder on the last block of the damn game (having apothecaried him from death earlier - from the same damn bullying blitzer swine!), having set him up to one-turn on a quick-snap (which is what I got, but didn't complete the pass, and he was reachable).
Ah well. There's a reason it's called "Blood"bowl... One which I shall be introducing a certain blitzer by the name of Dietrich to the next time I see his sorry carcass! >:)”
Ah well. There's a reason it's called "Blood"bowl... One which I shall be introducing a certain blitzer by the name of Dietrich to the next time I see his sorry carcass! >:)”