“nice game. with a cleared pitch in the end. lucky for ryanfitz the majority of my blows were kos.
Win +5
MNG +2
-AV +3
RIP +4
Fouls +10
Total +24
Select an action for Pile'o'Bones
tackle zone state changed to true
Foul selected.
Pile'o'Bones fouls Lawrence Jamieson. (6, 2) +5
(5, 6) + 0, 4: Lawrence Jamieson has been seriously injured!!
(65) Serious Concussion - (-1 AV)
IGMEOY Roll = 6
The ref spots the foul and bans Pile'o'Bones from the rest of the game!
Move ended for Pile'o'Bones”
Win +5
MNG +2
-AV +3
RIP +4
Fouls +10
Total +24
Select an action for Pile'o'Bones
tackle zone state changed to true
Foul selected.
Pile'o'Bones fouls Lawrence Jamieson. (6, 2) +5
(5, 6) + 0, 4: Lawrence Jamieson has been seriously injured!!
(65) Serious Concussion - (-1 AV)
IGMEOY Roll = 6
The ref spots the foul and bans Pile'o'Bones from the rest of the game!
Move ended for Pile'o'Bones”