“Apart from Mithrilpoint's suspicions towards Belgian government supported bloodbowlplayers, it was also a lucky game from my part.
In the second turn I spot an opening and blitz one of his mummy's with mine, mummy goes MNG, no reg. I can stall away nicely, but then my ST6 mummy gets fouled BH, reg works however, yay!
After that, I take a risk stalling further get very lucky on two occasions. First a dodge to blitz my ballcarrier fails, after that Mithril manages a nice chainpush that I hadn't spotted, to get his blitz-ra free. Reroll was used in that process however, and ballcarrier stays up on the blitz. 1-0 after first half.
The khemri can only field 9 players at the start of second half, so it was always gonna be hard. On top of that, his blockless mummy's fail all blocks and burn all the rerolls. I can get to the ball befor he can and make the 2-0 gamewinner.
In the very last turn my wight even manages a long pass (after a hail mary pass almost made a TD for the khemri), and undead win 3-0.”
In the second turn I spot an opening and blitz one of his mummy's with mine, mummy goes MNG, no reg. I can stall away nicely, but then my ST6 mummy gets fouled BH, reg works however, yay!
After that, I take a risk stalling further get very lucky on two occasions. First a dodge to blitz my ballcarrier fails, after that Mithril manages a nice chainpush that I hadn't spotted, to get his blitz-ra free. Reroll was used in that process however, and ballcarrier stays up on the blitz. 1-0 after first half.
The khemri can only field 9 players at the start of second half, so it was always gonna be hard. On top of that, his blockless mummy's fail all blocks and burn all the rerolls. I can get to the ball befor he can and make the 2-0 gamewinner.
In the very last turn my wight even manages a long pass (after a hail mary pass almost made a TD for the khemri), and undead win 3-0.”