CTV 2850k Orc
Chaos CTV 2850k
#10 Warren 'The Wisp' – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Warren 'The Wisp' – Smashed Knee (NI)
#11 John Slender – Dead (RIP)
#9 Heckle – Dead (RIP)
#15 Sanctuary – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#15 Sanctuary – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Short summary: I didn't play that well in the first half, and failed a crucial dodge to (potentially) stop the orcs from scoring. Malmir defended the two turns necessary to stop me from scoring back, 1-0 for the Orcs after the first half.
Second half I advanced quick, scored in T4 in the hopes that the orcs star blitzer and two other decent players would stay KO'd. No such luck, but got a blitz! on the kickoff table and snatched the ball. The Orcs ran to block, my wiz missed all three players it was aimed at (two BoBs and a lineorc) and a stupid move cost me my last reroll. Orcs managed to stop my score although it was quite close. 1-1 after full time.
I receive in OT, 10 players vs Malmirs 11, 0 rerolls vs 2. A crucial doubleskulls at the worst possible time allowed the orcs to crowd my ballkeeper, and the crowd threw the ball perfectly into my half of the field for an easy score by the orcs, who scored in T3. 2-1 Orcs, five turns for me to score and get a cointoss.
Kick went almost to my endzone, my beastman failed to pick up the ball for two turns, and Malmir fouled my players off the field. I were unable to counterscore, and final score was 2-1 Orcs.
Felt it was a rough game dicewise, felt like I had an uphill struggle against the rolls made. I failed several critical rolls that might have allowed me to score, and Malmir did not. Still, once doesn't make it to the finals of a Major through luck alone, and the Orcs played well. Felt a bit rough coming so close to winning a Major, but seeing as I lost the last GLT quarterfinals in a similar manner I'm atleast getting closer to a win!
Atleast this tournament has proven that you CAN win a Major without getting a bunch of easy games from your friends to boost your team :)
Congratulations to Malmir, a good coach and a nice opponent. Grats on the win!