This was, by any stretch of the imagination, a total ass *&^%ing by the dice on me. 4 players at the end, was down to 7 from late on in the 1st half with perma KOs (tm) (guaranteed to never come back) and the AG1 Saurii picking the ball up without rr - twice - more or less rubbed my face in it. You'd have to be blind or an idiot to think that luck score in any way represents what went on - the Lizards did finally suffer cas but I was so far depleted it made no difference, and the Saurii had no problems picking the ball up anyway.
Unfortunately, when faced with one sided *&^%fests like this, all you can do is grin, try to be civil, and get the game over with as fast as is possible, so for the last 4 turns I didn't really try anything with a hope of success just to get it over and done with.
Snapshot played ok, he was even 5 players down himself thanks to KOs injuries and so on by around half way through the 2nd half, but there can be absolutely no doubt as to what decided the game.
Out of the last 8 games I've played now, I think I got roughly equal dice in one, outdiced in most and been on the end of a couple of severe hopeless one sided nonsense batterings by the dice that make the game a non contest. I know this client is like this, and whatever algorithm it uses tries to be random, but when it leans so heavy for one side its hard to see that.
This was a new team, retired now (starting team is stronger) just gotta hope that I get better luck next time, or the time after.
Can't get much worse than this rubbish. That's 49 minutes of my life I'll never get back :(”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
This was, by any stretch of the imagination, a total ass *&^%ing by the dice on me. 4 players at the end, was down to 7 from late on in the 1st half with perma KOs (tm) (guaranteed to never come back) and the AG1 Saurii picking the ball up without rr - twice - more or less rubbed my face in it. You'd have to be blind or an idiot to think that luck score in any way represents what went on - the Lizards did finally suffer cas but I was so far depleted it made no difference, and the Saurii had no problems picking the ball up anyway.
Unfortunately, when faced with one sided *&^%fests like this, all you can do is grin, try to be civil, and get the game over with as fast as is possible, so for the last 4 turns I didn't really try anything with a hope of success just to get it over and done with.
Snapshot played ok, he was even 5 players down himself thanks to KOs injuries and so on by around half way through the 2nd half, but there can be absolutely no doubt as to what decided the game.
Out of the last 8 games I've played now, I think I got roughly equal dice in one, outdiced in most and been on the end of a couple of severe hopeless one sided nonsense batterings by the dice that make the game a non contest. I know this client is like this, and whatever algorithm it uses tries to be random, but when it leans so heavy for one side its hard to see that.
This was a new team, retired now (starting team is stronger) just gotta hope that I get better luck next time, or the time after.
Can't get much worse than this rubbish. That's 49 minutes of my life I'll never get back :(”