If my roman numerals are correct - this was the 343rd Vet Smack that was played. It took until now for a Halfling team to come out on top! It was not an easy final against a decent coach and some nasty norse. We had Deeproot and 3 chefs on our side - along with 2 handicaps. Bribe the Ref and Palmed Coin were of some help - we did steal all of the norse RRs (except for the leader RR - which proved useless to them). It looked bleak early with fouls going for KOs only and using up the handicap. However, it was deceiving because the KOs would not wake up for the second half (fail both KO wakeups) and so they proved to be very important. The leader RR was burned on a failed gfi - but the RR was a 1 as well. The AG 4 halfling took the ball up the sideline, but failed a dodge and the ball was free. This was perhaps the most important part of the game. If the norse recovered the ball - even if they did not score - it would be decisive. However, the turn sucked for them, with 4 pushes and then double skull. Given a reprieve, the halflings reorganized and scored. Two turns remained, but it was not enough for the norse and we went to the second half.
Here, the norse were in bad shape - down 1-0 and with their ogre still KOed...they needed to score and fast to get their KOs back. However, there were forced to make some desperate plays. They attempted a pass over the heads of the halflings force - however, May has the catch skill - and it worked here - failing initial intercept, she rolled a 6 with the catch RR for the INT. The halflings had gotten the ref to start the second half and the norse started to fly off the pitch. We made sure to foul (for BH) the leader before the leader RR was used to deny them the norse the strategic flexibility. More and more norse were removed by fouls and by deeproot (2 CAS by the star) - Daisy (ST 4 halfling) took the loose ball into the endzone for the score - at 2-0 even with a few turns left - it was over.
Joyous halflings now have set their sites on a Pro Smack next!
If my roman numerals are correct - this was the 343rd Vet Smack that was played. It took until now for a Halfling team to come out on top! It was not an easy final against a decent coach and some nasty norse. We had Deeproot and 3 chefs on our side - along with 2 handicaps. Bribe the Ref and Palmed Coin were of some help - we did steal all of the norse RRs (except for the leader RR - which proved useless to them). It looked bleak early with fouls going for KOs only and using up the handicap. However, it was deceiving because the KOs would not wake up for the second half (fail both KO wakeups) and so they proved to be very important. The leader RR was burned on a failed gfi - but the RR was a 1 as well. The AG 4 halfling took the ball up the sideline, but failed a dodge and the ball was free. This was perhaps the most important part of the game. If the norse recovered the ball - even if they did not score - it would be decisive. However, the turn sucked for them, with 4 pushes and then double skull. Given a reprieve, the halflings reorganized and scored. Two turns remained, but it was not enough for the norse and we went to the second half.
Here, the norse were in bad shape - down 1-0 and with their ogre still KOed...they needed to score and fast to get their KOs back. However, there were forced to make some desperate plays. They attempted a pass over the heads of the halflings force - however, May has the catch skill - and it worked here - failing initial intercept, she rolled a 6 with the catch RR for the INT. The halflings had gotten the ref to start the second half and the norse started to fly off the pitch. We made sure to foul (for BH) the leader before the leader RR was used to deny them the norse the strategic flexibility. More and more norse were removed by fouls and by deeproot (2 CAS by the star) - Daisy (ST 4 halfling) took the loose ball into the endzone for the score - at 2-0 even with a few turns left - it was over.
Joyous halflings now have set their sites on a Pro Smack next!
Thanks for the game...until next time! ”