“Well, what can I say about this match? I'll just sum up:
First kickoff blitz. My rookie catcher RIP on the blitz action. He never lasted one turn of BB. This was the first warning.
First 3 turns luck 14%
First 3 turns first action turnovers twice (with RR), one turn I got 2 pushback blocks before the turnover.
All RR first half (maybe 2nd half, I stopped caring enough to pay attention) re-failed. I am thinking of having them renamed.
Third kickoff also a Blitz. (not that he needed them, my first action turnovers were just as good as Blitzes)
41% game dice luck - only becuase starting turn 6 of second half I didn't fail everything I did. It was about 31% up until then at it's best.
Ok, I am done whining - but Nuffle bloody well owes me a FANTASTIC next game...
(and bad luck aside, my opponent did some good coaching, protecting the ball and forcing turnovers (of course, when all you have to do is force a 2+ with a reroll to get a turnover 3 out of 4 times that isn't too hard...:/ ))”
First kickoff blitz. My rookie catcher RIP on the blitz action. He never lasted one turn of BB. This was the first warning.
First 3 turns luck 14%
First 3 turns first action turnovers twice (with RR), one turn I got 2 pushback blocks before the turnover.
All RR first half (maybe 2nd half, I stopped caring enough to pay attention) re-failed. I am thinking of having them renamed.
Third kickoff also a Blitz. (not that he needed them, my first action turnovers were just as good as Blitzes)
41% game dice luck - only becuase starting turn 6 of second half I didn't fail everything I did. It was about 31% up until then at it's best.
Ok, I am done whining - but Nuffle bloody well owes me a FANTASTIC next game...
(and bad luck aside, my opponent did some good coaching, protecting the ball and forcing turnovers (of course, when all you have to do is force a 2+ with a reroll to get a turnover 3 out of 4 times that isn't too hard...:/ ))”