#5 Grobi Guter Guy – Smashed Hip (-MA) #7 Sebastian Siegeslust – Dead (RIP) #14 Gerd Genau – Broken Ribs (MNG) #14 Gerd Genau – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Well the Paps finally did it. They won their 100th game a milestone paid with blood. In the first half and begining of second nuffle was on the Paps site. We had a lot of luck and the fouls of the chaos did not work well in a key position. So my ogre was not fouled out instead he can get up and guard for the ball winning blitz. And bounded the beastmen. Gerd Genau could reach ball and we stalled to turn 8 to score. Second half we made an early TD. But at end of first and whole second half Chaos show why they are a bashy team. Obviously it was a bit to late. They killed the scoring catcher(Apo fails) and niggled the scoring Thrower so they got revenge I think. My opponent was a good coach who did not made big mistakes just was unlucky the first 6 turns. It was a good hard fight. Thats why I love BB. So Quariondk maybe I will win my 200th with my Paps match against you:) but I think I will loose some games before against you. It was an entertaining game thanks for playing me. ”
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And you made a mistake there :P you ment losing the 200th match against me ;)”