“Yea, we all know the Craig has a thing for Orc Cheerleaders... he says it's their beards... you had the funniest line of the game when you called the cheerleaders guys instead of girls. It was a rough game for us, but it was still fun because you were a good coach and we had fun chat. Poor luck that my lame a$$ kicker went and got himself killed. I knew it was gonna be a rough game from the start, but your 22FF made the money attractive. But, I have to say, 50K for a death and mng AND a decrease in FF. We will be cruzing for a re-match... but this time we'll promise Craig a room full of orcie cheerleaders if he wins.
“Thanks for a fun game. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Rematch anytime you want. Maybe nuffle will be in your favor next time :D
Please tell your blitzer to stay away form the cheerleaders :D his early exit did mean a lot to the game. You being down in numbers allmost all game. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
good game, cool coach, would play him anytime