<Tauro> now :)
<Calcium> cool, gl!
<Tauro> lol xd
<Tauro> prff
<Calcium> couldnt resist
<Calcium> :)
<Calcium> YAH, DO IT
<Tauro> what a joke...
<Calcium> \o/
<Tauro> grats
<Calcium> thx
<Tauro> foul vs 6 skavens?....
<Calcium> yep
<Calcium> I'd foul 1
<Tauro> people like you are the reasor for only khemry teams with 4 dirtys in bbox xddd
<Calcium> yawn
<Calcium> tell someone that cares!
<Calcium> Ive got humans with 100+ games, so that argument is crap frankly
<Tauro> no tengo el telefono de tu...
<Calcium> ah. translation mode on.
<Calcium> crying is crying...in any language
<Tauro> bla bla bla
<Calcium> \o/
<Tauro> quieres un pin o algo?
<Calcium> buh bye!
<Tauro> felicidades chaval
<Tauro> q te cunda
<Tauro> now :)
<Calcium> cool, gl!
<Tauro> lol xd
<Tauro> prff
<Calcium> couldnt resist
<Calcium> :)
<Calcium> YAH, DO IT
<Tauro> what a joke...
<Calcium> \o/
<Tauro> grats
<Calcium> thx
<Tauro> foul vs 6 skavens?....
<Calcium> yep
<Calcium> I'd foul 1
<Tauro> people like you are the reasor for only khemry teams with 4 dirtys in bbox xddd
<Calcium> yawn
<Calcium> tell someone that cares!
<Calcium> Ive got humans with 100+ games, so that argument is crap frankly
<Tauro> no tengo el telefono de tu...
<Calcium> ah. translation mode on.
<Calcium> crying is crying...in any language
<Tauro> bla bla bla
<Calcium> \o/
<Tauro> quieres un pin o algo?
<Calcium> buh bye!
<Tauro> felicidades chaval
<Tauro> q te cunda