#3 Sunrise II – Smashed Knee (NI) #7 Hotfoot – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“The second time Erik has ruined my chances. Well played but a bad loss for us. The picnic are now delisted and will go into the SWL Vets group, where they can hone their skills against the less talented. Well done Lav on the title.
“With their season in tatters there was only one thing on the cards for the Woodies in the last game of the season, Revenge! It didn't mater that the Dark Elves probably did not warrant any Revenge, this was Revenge for Revenge's sake. The Picnic were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Despite giving away an early TD to the Picnic the Woodies had managed to remove two Elves and get rid of their medical team.
The fans could sense blood and stormed the field leaving Nipples a cake to score his Maiden TD for the Woods.
The 2nd half started tensly with the Revenge unable to get the ball under control. Today Tonight III and then The Bill II almost managed managed to sneak the ball away but the Woodies scrambled and finally got the ball into the safe hands of Whoberry. With the Elves defence now in tatters all that was left was a simple drive into the endzone for the match winner.
3pts: Today Tonight III - Was drugged up to the max and caused a lot of headaches untill we finally got rid of him
2pts: Waterboard II - Did his best to try and keep the playing numbers close to even.
1pt: The Bill II - Was there till the end and almost managed to steal a win for the Elves
Cheers for the game Pat. Remember 3rd time is the charm.”
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#3 - Whoberry. I set up too many multiblocks
#2 - Slim Jim - one fouler
#1 - Black Panther - and the other.