“Great game for Diamond Mines! They crowdsurfed a blitzer of mine ( one of my best player ;-P) and stopped my unstoppale rush (uhm... well... I meant... uff..)
Second half, half greenskins sleeping in ko boxex, the game were owned.
I'm sure he risked his heart on the last blitz, made on his ball carrier, on 8 2h. Look at replay, and see.
Great game. Great coach.
Great losses.
EDIT: I have payed him to say that ----------------->”
Second half, half greenskins sleeping in ko boxex, the game were owned.
I'm sure he risked his heart on the last blitz, made on his ball carrier, on 8 2h. Look at replay, and see.
Great game. Great coach.
Great losses.
EDIT: I have payed him to say that ----------------->”