“I've got all my men out of the pitch (7 being blodgers) with only 36 blocks and 6 fouls.
Easy 1-0 on the 1st half.
My opponent was more busy bashing and gangfouling all the match than playing the ball.
In 2nd half I cornered his ball carrier in his TD zone but could not capitalize it even that I throwed 6d at him.
He made the draw because there were no players on the pitch, but until that he did not even tried to advance.
Unnecesary fouls even on T15 with only 1 elf on the pitch, trying to do as much damage to my team as posible even at the cost of position or ball protection.”
Easy 1-0 on the 1st half.
My opponent was more busy bashing and gangfouling all the match than playing the ball.
In 2nd half I cornered his ball carrier in his TD zone but could not capitalize it even that I throwed 6d at him.
He made the draw because there were no players on the pitch, but until that he did not even tried to advance.
Unnecesary fouls even on T15 with only 1 elf on the pitch, trying to do as much damage to my team as posible even at the cost of position or ball protection.”