“The Chariots were happy to have survived their debut match against the No Pasaran! orcs. The Chariots used their expertly practiced "stay down on the ground in a fetal position" tactics to prevent death. This may have lost them some faith in they eyes of their fans, but the elves take heart in the old motto: what doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.
And indeed the high elves have already used their winnings to employ a wise elven healer as an apothecary. Hopefully they will soon have enough money to hire some much needed talent.”
“"No Pasaran!" Kept what the name promises: No one got through our lines. They fought for revolution (and cold beer) and they won. Without blood and violence, just talking to their opponents. peacefull just playing ball - the key to a better society.
After the game the team got a trainingspause, they were celebrating and happy and drunken they sang:
Arise you starvelings from yours slumbers!
Arise you prisoners of want!
For reason in revolt now thunders,
And a better age shall dawn ....”
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And indeed the high elves have already used their winnings to employ a wise elven healer as an apothecary. Hopefully they will soon have enough money to hire some much needed talent.”