#7 Red Running Sniper – Dead (RIP) #8 Red Engineer – Dead (RIP) #16 Dead Ringer Spy – Broken Ribs (MNG) #16 Dead Ringer Spy – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Me and calcium have played quite a few times before and have had no squibble, i think you just got on the wrong end of the stick, I respect Platoon and they were the reasons why i played Humans in . I think i respect your Khremi evern more after this game!”
“This game was great fun until Soul started judging my playstyle. This alone sucked all the fun out of it for me. Personally the game being fun is far more important than the result, as my humans attest to in B.
I personally am very proud of my humans record in B, and I will turn around the win/loss ratio.
The bottom line is Soul started sulking like a girl when his team got smashed and decided to attack me with whatever he could find.
Firstly it was I only bash/play Khemri. Yeah, my 130 games with humans is a frikkin illusion.
Then it was their win/loss record. that has something to do with their massive rebuilding when I was down to 5 players!
I had at one time 3 Khemri teams in B. Besides there being no rules against that, my favourite teams have always been Humans/Khemri.
I wonder if the majority of Orc/Dorf/Khemri players in B could say the same? As it was I decided 3 Khemri teams were indeed too much.
I've retired some teams after 1 game. Hasn't nearly everyone???
To say I'm dissapointed in Soul's attitude is an understatement. I was so pleased his human team won the 1st B minor, and regarded him as a class coach. Guess I was wrong.....
The above was written when I was HOT. Sorry mate, I must keep it in check sometimes.....here's to our next game!
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