#1 Oak On Dope – Dead (RIP) #3 Mary Jane – Dead (RIP) #5 Little Trouble – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“Mighty and righteous elves unleashed their anger vs halfling menace
really pathetic playing style from mine opponent, after i killed with foul on first turn his dear mighty blow tackle lion warrior who of course got apoth :)) noble elves couldnt stand such an insult and started to foul halfling terroristos ... foul with style ? nah... i thought they are dragon warriors, but they playing style was more like skaven skum :)”
really pathetic playing style from mine opponent, after i killed with foul on first turn his dear mighty blow tackle lion warrior who of course got apoth :)) noble elves couldnt stand such an insult and started to foul halfling terroristos ... foul with style ? nah... i thought they are dragon warriors, but they playing style was more like skaven skum :)”