#8 Ernie Fast – Broken Ribs (MNG) #8 Ernie Fast – Smashed Knee (NI)
“Well this was variously described as 'epic' and 'the best final I've ever seen' by various specs. Was enjoyable and frustrating in about equal measure. I was on top for a good portion of the match but every time I was about to finish it off either Crib would pull some fantastic play or I would fail something vital. I don't feel I did a lot wrong really except I should have dodged my ag5 to block hthark on a 3+ in turn 23 rather than try an unlikely surf - he's just turned ag 5 and I didn't spot the opportunity. Obviously disappointed to lose but at least I played my part in a great game. Grats again Crib and hope to see you in the fumbbl cup.”
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