“This game looked to be a pretty rough one, what with the numbers favoring the UD at the beginning. And it WAS rough, just not like I thought it would be. The UD scored a couple KO/BH's and were well on their way when out of nowhere Kica, the Mightiest Skink, decided he didn't want to go down without a fight. RACEME rolled a both down result and Kica managed to KILL HIM! Was a glorious play all around! Now the Kiiiiiiiillers have something to work towards: A new Mummy! One note: the game was plagued by a random power spike and the reload reset a few turns earlier erasing an awesome Blitz by a Koskok to escape from a cage of UD. He was knocked down later on down the field, but the play was pretty special and is now gone forever. Was a fun, well fought game.