“Savor the flavor of dwarf blood upon thy brow! Let steel upon steel, and blade upon bone! Sweet sound, sweet spray, and sweet glory!
Hail to Grod the Mighty Stabber! Explodes the Powder Keg for all to behold with fists of power! Enter thy maligned pact with the lords of Hell! Let the head of longbeard seal thy fate upon the road to Hades evermore!
And to the Dark Avenger who engages Butterbean in a nigglefest! First the horns of Doom impale the brave one in the stomach, rip and gore aplenty! But the apoth denies the feat. Butterbean rises with the strengh of the gods, and breaks the skull of the Avenger in twain! Hail....but chariot's apoth bestows the taur with the ancient code of heroes...and magic seals thy wounds. The Dark Avenger roars and bellows and hunts his prey. Charge! Thy anger and rage cannot be contained...a bold and mighty impact sends the slayer's leg flying! Into the stands!!! And his career dies this hour!
Upon the fleet footed Terra and Biondi victory is seized! Domination in the endzone and the hurt box...today the Masters of the abyss smile!”
Hail to Grod the Mighty Stabber! Explodes the Powder Keg for all to behold with fists of power! Enter thy maligned pact with the lords of Hell! Let the head of longbeard seal thy fate upon the road to Hades evermore!
And to the Dark Avenger who engages Butterbean in a nigglefest! First the horns of Doom impale the brave one in the stomach, rip and gore aplenty! But the apoth denies the feat. Butterbean rises with the strengh of the gods, and breaks the skull of the Avenger in twain! Hail....but chariot's apoth bestows the taur with the ancient code of heroes...and magic seals thy wounds. The Dark Avenger roars and bellows and hunts his prey. Charge! Thy anger and rage cannot be contained...a bold and mighty impact sends the slayer's leg flying! Into the stands!!! And his career dies this hour!
Upon the fleet footed Terra and Biondi victory is seized! Domination in the endzone and the hurt box...today the Masters of the abyss smile!”