“Was yet another pefect game for the rats ... First and foremost because the opposition used the entire first turn trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Sadly however things turn abit rough after that - with linesmen forgetting the premade strategy of running with the ball. Which led to the first half being mostly just a plain old brawl, with teeth/whisker/tails and one unknown Elf flying all over. The second half was mostly the same ..which lead to a change in management, since the leader rat decided that the sewers was a better place to practise Mischief for the moment. However - None shall ever doubt that this team, while lacking in skills, armor and any remotely usefull, will return once again. It is after all - a fan favorit, with an avarage cas count of 8 pr game in total ...most of them rats, but still entertaining :)
Best luck to my opposion, they seem to be off to a flying and dare i say - hardhitting start :)”
“Our new dark elf team suits up for their first encounter vs Karlson's unusual skaven team. They are 12 unskilled linerats.. madness!!
They catch the kick and move forward in a giant drooling mass of rats. On our first turn we assault it, managing a -MA injury on one faceless linerat that uses up their apo. We also go for a simple 2+ dodge with a lineelf and decide not to burn up a reroll when it fails.. and poor Anonymous lands squarely on his FACE, to the detriment of his LIFE.
Soon after however, we have dismantled the rat-pile, man marking as necessary before getting in a blitz that dislodges the ball. It lands in the middle of a brawl, but their lack of blocking power soon lets us seize it and we run it upfield towards their endzone. We score on turn 7 when one of our 2 blitzers gets KO'd instead of stalling out the final turn in an attempt to get 2 KO rolls to bring him back (despite 3 rats sitting in their KO box).
On the second attempt our blitzer wakes up, giving us 10 players for the 2nd half vs 10 rats (4 wake ups total as we KO'd 2 more on our last turn of the half).
We immediately make things better with a KO and a BH on turn 1, before pushing the ball through the middle, and then adding another KO and another BH on turn 3. They go for a long range 1d dodge-blitz on their 3rd turn, but the linerat BHs himself on the 2nd GFI, and we counter with yet another BH on our fourth turn... leaving just 4 rats on the pitch!
We score for the 2nd time with the same lineman for a skillup and line up 10 vs 7 for the final turns. The skaven go for a few completions for SPPs before our line charges them down to snatch a final touchdown on our last turn!
GG karlson, rather you than me with linerats only!! Would have been a perfect game for us if it wasn't for whats-his-face killing himself. You know.. that guy with the eyebrows.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Best luck to my opposion, they seem to be off to a flying and dare i say - hardhitting start :)”