“An ultimately very frustrating game once again. Very tight and close, could have gone either way, but all we have to show for it is a dead wolf, fan factor down and a loss against the one team we really needed to beat this season to have a shot at the title.
First drive we chose to kick, as it's better for planning out whether to stall and we weren't expecting either team to take enough damage to be short of players. But we were wrong. Some aggressive play early on almost saw us win the ball, but instead resulted in a dead wolf and a crowd-pushed wight. We then proceeded to get beaten up by a bunch of distractingly attractive girls.
Second half we managed to score, but it was a desperate effort as the unstoppable Andrew S pushed away defender after defender to run the ball the length of the field. No chance to stall, even though we'd have been happy enough with a draw this game.
Final drive, 1-1, and a ball handling error sees the ghouls take the ball and get away with it. It was looking like at least a draw if not a win at this stage. However, as seemed to happen for the entire game, we failed to take control of the pitch (or more to the point, totally lost control of it), never got a player loose up-field to score, and eventually with a great last turn play from the opposition we finished up with a loss.
Ok, watched the replay and it's still not that clear. A good team effort on the whole.
3 Jennifer Hawkers - Scored one td, and recovered the ball in the second half to score the other.
2 Jessica Alba - Killed Bundy, turning my first turn ball snatch into a complete disaster.
1 Miranda Kerr - Took out the other wolf.
Special mention to Blake Lively who I'd noted down as surviving the foul that got Michael sent off, but who doesn't even appear on the player list otherwise as she did nothing else.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Irgy was a good opponent to play, thanks for the match, i enjoyed it more than most I've been playing recently.
3 points: Adrew S
2 points: Trevor
1 point: Aidan”