“I haven't had a match this utterly decided by luck in quite a while. Me and SneakyFox were reduced to audience in a match where Nuffle played both sides for his own amusement and the amounts of crucially failed GFI's, double skull blitzes, blitzes on kick-offs (3 during the match) and other weird events felt like they outnumbered the rolls that went according to the odds.
It felt quite fair that it ended in a tie, seeing how skill had very little to do with any of the TD attempts, and it also ended in a very funny experience with me and SneakyFox laughing and discussing who's side Nuffle would end up while we witnessed the spectacle.
It felt quite fair that it ended in a tie, seeing how skill had very little to do with any of the TD attempts, and it also ended in a very funny experience with me and SneakyFox laughing and discussing who's side Nuffle would end up while we witnessed the spectacle.
I'm looking forward to a re-match mate! :)”