“Flash of lightning strikes! The necromantics raise holy Hell sinking man into the hurt box by the shovel full.
But these men know holy Hell well! With dauntless courage, the game presses on, and glory claims the day!
Hail to Racer X and Terra Watt! You bring us victory!
and with victory, emerges the alpha blitzer, DeMaio! From the thrones of Hades, to the war engines of Hellriders! Lead and purge the land of anyone who plays...
But these men know holy Hell well! With dauntless courage, the game presses on, and glory claims the day!
Hail to Racer X and Terra Watt! You bring us victory!
and with victory, emerges the alpha blitzer, DeMaio! From the thrones of Hades, to the war engines of Hellriders! Lead and purge the land of anyone who plays...
false bloodbowl!”