CTV 1840k Chaos Chosen
Norse CTV 2230k
#8 Carnero II – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#8 Carnero II – Smashed Knee (NI)
#10 Pecus IV – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#10 Pecus IV – Smashed Knee (NI)
#9 Erik Smegski – Dead (RIP)
#12 Victor Belgin – Smashed Knee (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Stallions managed to get an equaliser before half time, so went in to the break with much enthusiasm. The 2nd started great and dishing out of casualties left right and centre. It wasn't long before we were in scoring range.
With the win almost secured Schola tried some risky tactics. A very low % series of dodges caused a niggle on the ball carrier and late on a death on the returning los. These turn 14 and 16 casualties, had a major impact on my next match and probably my chances of winning the SWL Prem.
Boris handed over to Neilsson late on, to score his first ever TD.
#11 Campitor II for an unlikely cas 3 points
#5 Mortifier IV for an unlikely pass 2 points
#15 Pugna II for an all round good game 1 point”