“Im not suprised the fans left us, we played poorly this game. Ramtut was again the star for the Khemri, although we managed to foul him out 1st half, BH this time, he regened again. They received and started hitting, but we ran too far forward trying to pressurise the ball guy. In fairness I did have 2db rr against him but he didnt go down. Then the khemri positioned themselves well to see out the half and score in T8. 2nd half we spread the play out, but the tactic didnt work as the mummies could just pick us off and ramtut chased the ball carrier everywhere. Still, we had the ball under control, but got into trouble trying to stall. Thankfully nuffle came to the rescue and we ran in a T7 equalizer. The Khemri couldnt respond. GG Well played devil.”
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