“This norse team has never seen so much blood on the field.
And judging from the after-game party, this team couldn't be happier. And it's a good thing that they did win this game. A tournament is slowly appearing in the horizon and the team morale was rather low before this match.
Finally, the team wishes the express it's apologies for the terrible injurie suffered by Tilmanas and the death of player number 7. This player, Gamir, will be honored in the team's chapel. He was an honorable player and will be rememebered as such.”
And judging from the after-game party, this team couldn't be happier. And it's a good thing that they did win this game. A tournament is slowly appearing in the horizon and the team morale was rather low before this match.
Finally, the team wishes the express it's apologies for the terrible injurie suffered by Tilmanas and the death of player number 7. This player, Gamir, will be honored in the team's chapel. He was an honorable player and will be rememebered as such.”