Our khemri have reached the semifinals but at quite a cost. Last game we had a mummy death and have not earnt enough money to replace them. We also had 2 first skillups that got age injuries, oof. We are facing shusaku's 11 wood elves + a wizard. The bookies are not expecting a win from the khemri that's for sure!
Our 2 handicaps are palmed coin + bad press. We could really have done with removing a player instead. They kick off and a fan KO's one of our blitzras with a rock (key- that's 1 of 2 tacklers on our side removed). We collect the ball but can't get our thro-ra into much safety, and the woodies take immediate advantage, dodging players through and 2d blitzing over the ball carrier before stealing with their wardancer. They score on turn 2; doesn't look great for us!
They kick off again and this time a blitzra on the LOS catches the ball. But he only holds onto it for one turn as we can't keep back their AGI5 guarder and the wardancer. We pile players around the ball, but again AGI5 proves too much for us and they grab the ball and pass it down to empty space near our endzone. We get a skeleton over the ball and double 1s stops their AGI5 picking it up! But we fail to injure him with our blitz, and then drop the pickup with a skeleton. He grabs it on turn 6 and makes it 2-0! We can't manage anything with our final two turns of the half.
*** HALF TIME ***
With no injuries caused on either side and the wizard still to be used, I can safely say the game is now impossible to win for us!
They have one elf in the KO box so it's 10 vs 11 as we kick off - and our fans get the ref (thank you bad press!). They immediately blitz our DP - using a reroll to take him down, and then DP foul him for a stun. We foolishly foul on the following turn instead of at least leaving the eye on them, and they are able to badly hurt our DP on the 2nd try (no regen), and also kill a rookie skeleton (regen), while running the ball into our half. On turn 3 they make it 3-0 with ease.
We get a touchback, handing the ball to our +STR skeleton, causing them to spend the wizard at last. We try our best to hold onto the ball, but just can't compete vs wood elves and it's 4-0 on turn 6.
At this stage they mostly run away from us, but we still can't get a consolation touchdown before the final whistle blows. An exhibition match from the woodies and an expected trouncing for the khemri.
Our khemri have reached the semifinals but at quite a cost. Last game we had a mummy death and have not earnt enough money to replace them. We also had 2 first skillups that got age injuries, oof. We are facing shusaku's 11 wood elves + a wizard. The bookies are not expecting a win from the khemri that's for sure!
Our 2 handicaps are palmed coin + bad press. We could really have done with removing a player instead. They kick off and a fan KO's one of our blitzras with a rock (key- that's 1 of 2 tacklers on our side removed). We collect the ball but can't get our thro-ra into much safety, and the woodies take immediate advantage, dodging players through and 2d blitzing over the ball carrier before stealing with their wardancer. They score on turn 2; doesn't look great for us!
They kick off again and this time a blitzra on the LOS catches the ball. But he only holds onto it for one turn as we can't keep back their AGI5 guarder and the wardancer. We pile players around the ball, but again AGI5 proves too much for us and they grab the ball and pass it down to empty space near our endzone. We get a skeleton over the ball and double 1s stops their AGI5 picking it up! But we fail to injure him with our blitz, and then drop the pickup with a skeleton. He grabs it on turn 6 and makes it 2-0! We can't manage anything with our final two turns of the half.
*** HALF TIME ***
With no injuries caused on either side and the wizard still to be used, I can safely say the game is now impossible to win for us!
They have one elf in the KO box so it's 10 vs 11 as we kick off - and our fans get the ref (thank you bad press!). They immediately blitz our DP - using a reroll to take him down, and then DP foul him for a stun. We foolishly foul on the following turn instead of at least leaving the eye on them, and they are able to badly hurt our DP on the 2nd try (no regen), and also kill a rookie skeleton (regen), while running the ball into our half. On turn 3 they make it 3-0 with ease.
We get a touchback, handing the ball to our +STR skeleton, causing them to spend the wizard at last. We try our best to hold onto the ball, but just can't compete vs wood elves and it's 4-0 on turn 6.
At this stage they mostly run away from us, but we still can't get a consolation touchdown before the final whistle blows. An exhibition match from the woodies and an expected trouncing for the khemri.
Well won shusaku!”