#8 Dhemos Deathbringer – Dead (RIP) #15 Wuzit – Dead (RIP)
“It has been a surreal day. This match saw the RIP nr 6 and 7 in as many matches, now including the mighty Dhemos Deathbringer, one of the best players I will likely ever have. It's sad that the Fumbbl Birthday has not been a very enjoyable experience since it's been a gradually worse decline into nightmarishly bad luck, but at least in this match I was facing a friendly and honorable opponent, which always makes it easier to bear.
The days of No Escape being a powerhouse in the B division are over. 4 straight defeats and the loss of a string of important players leaves the team unbalanced and in dire need of a rebuild.
The days of No Escape being a powerhouse in the B division are over. 4 straight defeats and the loss of a string of important players leaves the team unbalanced and in dire need of a rebuild.
Thanks for the match, seaman!”