“Probably my worst matchup this season. The Lizzies looked set to pummel the Fireflies into the earth. Luo played awesomely, though the cas didnt flow in as much as he was probably hoping (or I expecting!)
Handicaps for the match were virus, which took out a lone skink, and Bad Press. Neither of which I was really hoping for going up against a much higher TS team.
“A solid and conservative win for the Lizzies, helped along by some forgiving handicaps!
Well played by both teams, and a well balanced second half, luck wise (an opening drive pitch invasion sending the Lizzies reeling, matched by three failed Firefly dodges in the three turns before fulltime, enabling an easy run to the endzone..)
3pts - #4 Kaba: Despite the efforts of fist and boot, this warrior princess kept punching, scoring a cas and staying a threat for the whole match.
2pts - #9 Shika: For the first touchdown of the match, despite the skinks scrabbling at her for three turns
1pts - #12 Usagi: For a last valiant effort to injure a saurus, only to have him saved by the resident witchdoctor
Also well played, Olgrot - thanks for the match and good luck in season 34!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Handicaps for the match were virus, which took out a lone skink, and Bad Press. Neither of which I was really hoping for going up against a much higher TS team.
Well played mate, and a deserved win!”