CTV 1190k Skaven
Undead CTV 1240k
#6 Ablok Lalign – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#12 Arfritk Grudgeteller – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#6 Ablok Lalign – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#2 Skrargh! Longbeard – Dead (RIP)
#5 Tasla Sturdyhand – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
This game as well as my opponent were truly amazing, I couldn't wish for a better final (maybe winning though :p) Unfortunately you can't see the chat, but much fun was had there too, plus a few cheering fans for the ambience :)
Worried I might lack players to score with by the end of the game (how right I was!) I decided to start with the ball. After a good Quick Snap, but facing a good back defense, I decided to cage my gutter until I could somehow throw the ball away like an elf. After a few turns, I saw him almost on me and I started lacking players standing up to protect the ball. I rushed forward and threw a pass to a deep gutter for a touchdown... or so I thought! The wight beside the receiver actually intercepted the ball! Also at this point he already had a CAS and I had used my apo.
This is where my unusual defense came into play. His wight wasn't very well protected at first, but my blitz failed. So I continued my series of daredevil dodges (I failed about 2 in the whole game) to prevent him from going too fast. His wight fled to my left flank, but I caught it and got the ball free by the sidelines. I set receivers far enough in his zone to score, but my gutter runner didn't pick up the ball even on re-roll. What came next was unexpected : after pushing away his players once again, my gutter failed to pick up the ball (again!) and it bounced into the crowd... and right into the arms of a mummy standing deep in my zone beside my thrower! I surrounded his mummy before it could score, but failed my GFI for the 2D blitz. And then he got 2 both-downs when trying to escape, ending the half.
Still 0-0 at half time, both teams able to field 11 players. I kicked. Luckily for me, he didn't do much damage before he failed the pick up. I sent a few players forward to threaten him, but he zombie-kicked my gutter to the KO box. This time he picked up the ball, but didn't have perfect protection. Result : 1D pow, although the ball landed besides zombies. He got the ball back and KOed a second gutter runner on his way to my zone. With his wight about to score, I once again pulled out a few dodges just for a 1D GFI blitz, which knocked down his wight. However, he CASed 2 liners and my last gutter before his wight stood up, picked the ball and scored.
This last turn almost marked my demise. I never saw a gutter runner again. I had 6 players left (3 liners, 1 SV, 1 thrower, 1 RO). He could still field a full team. He set up to be able to reach me anywhere I go in his zone. I decided my only chance to score was to setup my thrower deep to pass to my stormvermin on a flank, with all my liners protecting him and the RO keeping the middle.
But we weren't prepared for this! While the fans cheered and booed my opponent, half our teams got stunned. In his case, more precisely, the 5 players closest to my stormvermin. This had "miracle" writte all over it. I passed to the stormvermin as planned, and positioned my 3 standing players with the help of his stunned zombies so he couldn't reach the stormvermin. He closed in, but his wight covering a path failed GFI and got KOed as a result. I sent the stormvermin deep in his zone while most of his players got knocked down.
My stormvermin did not make it to the end zone, his ghoul caught it but failed to pick up the ball. And while it was looking at the ball, my stormvermin stood back up and kicked it right off the field. With only his mummy there I attempted GFI-scoring with a liner, but failed the dodge on the mummy and got KOd. Meanwhile, the rest of my team was getting even more crippled, with a horde of zombies ganging up on my players. In my very last turn, the knocked-down stormvermin stood up, dodged the mummy twice, got the ball beside 2 players, dodged out, and succeeded his 2 GFIs for the touchdown.
The miracle had happened. I actually managed to send this in overtime. Although by this point I had no illusions : I had only 5 players left, and none of those were gutter runners. And I was kicking. And my chance of seeing fail the pick-up vanished : the ball bounced 7 away for a touchback to a mummy. On his turn, he steamrolled through the field, removing my RO and stormvermin from play. Only 3 liners left, ball on the mummy. I had nothing to lose, launching all my dice at dodging just to have a chance at a -2D on his mummy, but of course it was in vain. The mummy walked forward to a much-deserved victory while the zombies were tearing off a few limbs off my players (which I mentioned were due to retire).
We weren't sure if the overtime would continue or stop after is touchdown, which is why we act strangely after he scored (he could have just stalled until the end with his mummy before scoring).
Once again, I cannot stress enough how pleased I am with this game, even though I ended up losing. It was competitive, surprising, hard-fought, and above all FUN. Thank you SongCoyote for such a great game :)